RTÉ 2 | Call for Ideas | BAI Sound & Vision

Wed 20th January 2016

RTÉ 2 | Call for Ideas | BAI Sound & Vision

We are looking for fresh BAI Sound and Vision ideas for forthcoming rounds.

These should appeal to the RTÉ2 core audience primarily, but are also likely to be of the kind of scale and ambition that isn’t easily realisable on RTÉ2 budgets.

In the past projects like Nurses, Norah’s Traveller Academy and Bressie’s Teenage Kicks were strong social statements, reflecting the diverse lives of young Irish adults. They all had ironclad public service principles at their core.

Is there an area of Irish life that has a particular effect or relevance for a younger audience which is unlikely to win a mainstream commission and a defined slot but which would be worth exploring as a BAI commission?

International affairs also fall within the BAI remit and are underexplored on RTÉ 2. Are there international stories or stories about our relationships with other cultures or the Irish experience abroad that could broaden the spectrum of factual programmes on RTÉ2?

Ideas should be submitted before 12.00pm on Friday, February 19th, 2016. (Strict Deadline)

We ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system:here under the programme category "Daytime & Lifestyle BAI"