RTÉ One | Call for ideas | Lifestyle

Sun 21st February 2016

RTÉ One is looking for ideas for a series to air in Autumn 2016.

High Impact, Strong Identity, Entertainment, Shared experiences, Talkability - this is what Sunday nights on RTE ONE at 9.30PM are all about.

Audiences are seeking ‘escapism’ for this slot through stories told through Drama (Love/Hate), Lifestyle (Room to Improve) or Factual (Better Off Abroad), as these are the best performing programmes. Drama and Lifestyle appeal to younger audiences which boost overall viewer figures.

Transmission: Sunday Nights 21:30

Episodes: 4 x 52 mins

Budget : 100K-110K per hour.

Submissions Deadline: 12 noon on Friday March 25th.

Room to Improve is hugely popular, with audiences responding to its mix of high production values, a well told story, a stellar cast and an engaging presenter. We are now looking to build on that and expand our scope of this slot and develop more lightly formatted series.

We are particularly interested in short run formatted or observational series which have human drama at their heart. We can test these series with a view to a longer commission, but also know that many series that are suitable for this kind of high profile slot, can involve stories that have scale and evolve over time and therefore take time to produce.

Like Better Off Abroad can we combine subject matters, is there new talent, or a new way of presenting tried and tested subject matter through an entertaining format? Unlike Documentaries of other Factual areas, we involve ourselves with people, their businesses, their careers and their communities. Many of our best programmes make a real difference and don’t feel contrived or needlessly artificial. We are open to all subject matter, business, travel, history, crime, design, finance, families. Programmes we have liked recently have included Back in Time for Dinner, Victorian Bakers, The Real Marigold Hotel, and Child Genius.

We ask, in the first instance, that producers submit ideas into the eCommissioning system: https://e-commissioning.rte.ie/SWIFT.Web/skins/rte/login.aspx under the programme category “Lifestyle Sunday Night 2016”